Hanging Drywall In Mom's Basement Wed. 11-28-2012 from approx. 8PM--10PM or so. I'm available for hire. 989-889-6506 Vini of ELMC (Eastern Lower Michigan Contracting). I even accept credit card payments via paypal online.
-Thanks to my bro for participating with me on this. If I had more support for this project, I'm envisioning finishing the big (long) room down there to create a dining area where the family can congregate.
I still have to seal-up what we did (so far) and paint or paper it. An idea I had was to paper that wall with a luminescent (almost reflective) light purplish hue, since it's the wall view-able from the street leading out of the sub. If all the walls were done like that, the lighting coming out of the basement would be a really cool purple or blue....just some thoughts. It's taking forever for it to get done like this, spur of the moment, waiting for when there's someone available to help-out.